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320,00 kr
Soft curves and tapering slender lines are inspired by modern design. The result is a classic yet contemporary chair, ideally combined with the table by the same name
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1890,00 kr
The slender organic forms are fluid and graceful.‎ Noguchi emphasises the lightness of the elements with thin yet comfortable upholstery and a choice of cover fabrics in natural colours.
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699,00 kr
A new classic for the contemporary dining room, the Mondrian table reinterprets the light and elegant design of the sofa and coffee table collection of the same name
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320,00 kr
Soft curves and tapering slender lines are inspired by modern design. The result is a classic yet contemporary chair, ideally combined with the table by the same name
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1890,00 kr
The slender organic forms are fluid and graceful.‎ Noguchi emphasises the lightness of the elements with thin yet comfortable upholstery and a choice of cover fabrics in natural colours.
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699,00 kr
A new classic for the contemporary dining room, the Mondrian table reinterprets the light and elegant design of the sofa and coffee table collection of the same name
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320,00 kr
Soft curves and tapering slender lines are inspired by modern design. The result is a classic yet contemporary chair, ideally combined with the table by the same name
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1890,00 kr
The slender organic forms are fluid and graceful.‎ Noguchi emphasises the lightness of the elements with thin yet comfortable upholstery and a choice of cover fabrics in natural colours.
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699,00 kr
A new classic for the contemporary dining room, the Mondrian table reinterprets the light and elegant design of the sofa and coffee table collection of the same name
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320,00 kr
Soft curves and tapering slender lines are inspired by modern design. The result is a classic yet contemporary chair, ideally combined with the table by the same name
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1890,00 kr
The slender organic forms are fluid and graceful.‎ Noguchi emphasises the lightness of the elements with thin yet comfortable upholstery and a choice of cover fabrics in natural colours.
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699,00 kr
A new classic for the contemporary dining room, the Mondrian table reinterprets the light and elegant design of the sofa and coffee table collection of the same name
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320,00 kr
Soft curves and tapering slender lines are inspired by modern design. The result is a classic yet contemporary chair, ideally combined with the table by the same name
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1890,00 kr
The slender organic forms are fluid and graceful.‎ Noguchi emphasises the lightness of the elements with thin yet comfortable upholstery and a choice of cover fabrics in natural colours.
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699,00 kr
A new classic for the contemporary dining room, the Mondrian table reinterprets the light and elegant design of the sofa and coffee table collection of the same name
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320,00 kr
Soft curves and tapering slender lines are inspired by modern design. The result is a classic yet contemporary chair, ideally combined with the table by the same name
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1890,00 kr
The slender organic forms are fluid and graceful.‎ Noguchi emphasises the lightness of the elements with thin yet comfortable upholstery and a choice of cover fabrics in natural colours.
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699,00 kr
A new classic for the contemporary dining room, the Mondrian table reinterprets the light and elegant design of the sofa and coffee table collection of the same name
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320,00 kr
Soft curves and tapering slender lines are inspired by modern design. The result is a classic yet contemporary chair, ideally combined with the table by the same name
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1890,00 kr
The slender organic forms are fluid and graceful.‎ Noguchi emphasises the lightness of the elements with thin yet comfortable upholstery and a choice of cover fabrics in natural colours.
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699,00 kr
A new classic for the contemporary dining room, the Mondrian table reinterprets the light and elegant design of the sofa and coffee table collection of the same name
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320,00 kr
Soft curves and tapering slender lines are inspired by modern design. The result is a classic yet contemporary chair, ideally combined with the table by the same name
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1890,00 kr
The slender organic forms are fluid and graceful.‎ Noguchi emphasises the lightness of the elements with thin yet comfortable upholstery and a choice of cover fabrics in natural colours.
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699,00 kr
A new classic for the contemporary dining room, the Mondrian table reinterprets the light and elegant design of the sofa and coffee table collection of the same name
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Betala med faktura

Hos oss kan du beställa din produkt med faktura

Våra produkter är tillverkade från EU-godkänd industrihampa och följer de rådande regleringarna. Vår CBD olja innehåller stora mängder av cannabinoiden CBD samt alla andra nyttoämnen och är helt fria från THC.

  • Beställ med faktura
  • EU-godkänd industrihampa
  • 0% THC i våra produkter
  • Beställningar innan 15:00 skickas samma dag.

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